Midland, TX

My Essential Oils Journey

My Essential Oils Journey

Young Living has been a blessing since Day One.

On a mission trip in summer 2012,  a friend gave me Thieves oil and told me to use it hourly to help my immune system fight through sickness. Soon, I was on my feet, telling everyone on the trip how that crazy oil worked and they had to take some too, if they were starting to feel sick!

Then, for a few years, I mooched YL oils off my mom, typically using a couple of regulars- Thieves, Lemon, Lavender, Pan Away, Peppermint and Purification (most of these come in the starter kit!)

I finally took the plunge with my own account in February 2018, so I could get non-toxic cleaning & wellness products shipped directly to me in Europe…

The hubs & I couldn’t be happier with the impact switching to toxin-free products has made on our family. And we think every home could benefit from the many amazing products accessible through a Young Living membership, which is why we choose to share so publicly, even though it can feel awkward if ya let it. (I promise you, network marketing is NOT a strength or favorite pastime of mine!)

A Little History

Both my parents and I have always had to research holistic health options because of my many unique health issues. One main reason I began building a wellness Instagram, Facebook page (and now website & blog!) is because I figured if I’m doing all this wellness research for myself, I might as well share it!

One of my favorite easy-to-read resources is the Essential Oils Pocket Reference book. This book is a great resource whether you know nothing about oils or already love ‘em and want to know more! 🌿

I’m always so excited to welcome new members to the Vine & Sparrow YL team.
When you order that starter kit like I did, you’re not only getting lifetime discounts on great & safe products (with no monthly spending requirements!), but joining an awesome community! We’ll be here to support you as you pursue wellness. So, comment below, message me or click the “Get My Kit Now” button, and your premium starter kit will be on its way to you in no time!