Midland, TX

Current Wellness Routine in this new COVID-19 season

Current Wellness Routine in this new COVID-19 season

This first home-church morning of at least two, as I’ve been simmering up some bone broth and praying for our community & world in this season of unknowns, I also wanted to share some of what we’re doing in our home to give our bodies a fighting chance to stay above the wellness line.

As someone with health/immune issues, my home’s consistently stocked with these items & MANY more. It’s not overwhelming to me, but I imagine to some, even what’s pictured here is a ton to take in. If you’re just starting out, here’s my encouragement to you: start small, but start. Tackle one wellness practice and then add another. (Pro tip: start with the free ones like sunlight, fresh air, movement & sleep!) Find what works for you. A little is better than none! 💪🏼 Feel free to ask me questions, I’ll share my experiences & probably a link to a resource that’s helped me or expresses my view. We can be our own best health advocates, and there’s tons of research available to us— let’s use it! (This shouldn’t need to be said, but I’m saying it anyway: please don’t neglect common sense or CDC recommendations, just because you start taking a lil elderberry 😉)

🌅 Morning: elderberry syrup, herbal tea or water, Reishi and/or turkey tail mushroom

☀️Day: real food (little/no simple carbs, lots of fresh veggies, some fruit, high quality meats, healthy fats and complex carbs) movement/exercise, sunlight and fresh air. Diffuse respiratory support & antiviral essential oils like Davana, Lemon Myrtle, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Idaho Grand Fir, Thieves (clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary), R.C. (eucalyptus, myrtle, marjoram, pine, lavender, cypress, black spruce, peppermint) Exodus II (Myrrh, cassia, cinnamon, calamus, black spruce, hyssop, vetiver, frankincense) Raven (camphor, Lemon, wintergreen, peppermint, eucalyptus)

🌙Evening: Astragalus, Vitamin D, probiotics, water, SLEEP (with Thieves and/or RutaVaLa EO blends on feet)

All Day: release fears, meditate on truth, breathe deep, promote peace

🌱Occasionally: apply EOs, take naps when tired, Vitamin C, Inner Defense capsules (oregano, thyme, lemongrass and Thieves blend), Magnesium

📝 Notes: take cues from the plant names listed. Using quality food & health products with these ingredients are great choices! If we start to feel sick, we change things up based on our symptoms, but this is a basic wellness day for us, lately! Stay home, but don’t fear, friends!